Work in Progress

Improved Mobile Experience

Started: 2025-01
The rapid pace of improvement both in terms of features and visually; has lead to mobile-friendly but PC-first application. In a modern age we are clearly leaning away from that sort of environment and that remains true for AllTheBookmarks.
The mobile-bookmarklet was a step in the right direction, but it needs to pair well with the site on mobile to be truly effective. The visual appearance of the desktop site will remain relatively unchanged, but over the next few weeks, ui elements and pages will begin to receive mobile optimization.
Update: This process has been started and the main menus are done, now its just a matter of working through the pages/elements one by one.

Promotional / Introduction Video

Started: 2024-12
The idea I had for an introduction video has been kicking around for several weeks now. The idea certainly isn't completely original and leans heavily on the early days of dropbox. The concept and start of a script are there, I hope to get the time to complete this in January.

Tutorials and Improved Instructions

Started: 2024-12
Finished: This project has been something I have worked with and used for years and every aspect of this app is entirely intuitive to.... me. I am not dumb enough to think that's not an issue for you though. Many sections have had small blurbs added to clarify the feature's purpose.
We also have several new tutorials for various browsers.

Adding Favicons

Started: 2024-10
Another feature expected to be a standard part of the app is the ability to fetch and store the icons for sites. In all truth, this already exists, its just being disabled for the time. When the system was designed to handle my bookmarks alone, this was not a big deal. With the addition of imports and the expansion of the features into a full product has meant the favicon fetching system is going to require a complete rework.


Started: 2024-12
One of the primary features I wanted to have available for the official release was dashboards. This already existed in a minor way, but with all the refinement that has gone into other systems, the dashboards have sadly lacked behind.
Finished: Dashboards have been fully added and are feature complete. If you have any bugs or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share!

Bootstrap 5 Conversion

Started: 2024-12
Finished: The migration has finally been completed. There are still a few areas in need of a second pass just to bring them up to par with the finalized look and feel. But for all real intents the migration is complete and all elements should be styled in accordance with light/dark modes.

Extension Submissions

Started: 2024-12
The chrome extension has been approved and is available now for chrome and brave! ( through the chrome web app store )
Firefox likewise has been approved and is available in the store now.
Most recently, Edge was Approved in 2025!
Opera, has been submitted and is awaiting approval.